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Kayaking the streets- Chapter 12

Chapter 12 of Protecting New Jersey’s Environment, called Coastal New Jersey and Rising Waters the chapter talks about the dangers and conditions of coastal areas and rising water. In particular one quote that stuck out to me was on page 218 when Belton said “under these projections, New Jersey’s densely populated coast faces substantial increases in the extent and frequency of coastal flooding, erosion, and property damage” (Belton 218). In this quote the projections that are being referred to are talking about the fact the sea leaves are rising and the coast of NJ is sink as the ice sheet is melting. This chapter talks a lot about Barnegat Bay and this made me think about my annual trips to LBI I every summer and the coastal flooding that happens there every year. Each year it never fails that one day of our trip it will downpour rain over night and when we wake up all of the streets will be filled with water. On the island it is guaranteed that when it rains the streets will flood, people are so used to it that everyone knows the water will come and drain out before lunch time. My family loves to kayak and we alway bring our kayaks with us so that we can paddle around the bay and another use for them is that when the streets flood we are able to paddle around the streets as well. However, many of the points raised in this chapter made me think about how if the water continues to rise the island will be underwater in the future. This is sad to think about because my family and I look forward to this trip and all the memories that this island hold, I can't image that this place under water.

Another point that drove this idea home was the quote that said "it is estimated that 1 to 3 percent of New Jersey's land area will be affected by inundation and up to 9 percent by episodic coastal flooding over the next century" (Belton 218). This quote again drives home the fact that the rising water levels will continue to be an issue. I don't think enough people realize that as water levels rise the water will continue to come onto land because it has no where else to go. I hope that in the future the water doesn't rise to the point that costal flooding ruins the costal towns that these areas can continue to flourish.

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