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Weekly Update

Last week we continued to go over the blogs of our classmates. One blog in particular we reviewed, was Julie's and Krista's. With this blog, they are sharing their journey to help Seton Hall reduce their food waste. Seton Hall first informed their group that they throw out 200 pounds of waste per week I believe and later they informed the group that it is actually 4,000 pounds of waste. Which is a crazy high amount and quite the increase in waste.

Our professor also took a trip out to Josephine Porter and bought the preps needed to start our biodynamic garden on campus! She cam back with plenty of books and cow horns which are captured in a photo below. She explained to our class the importance of the cow horns. During this time they were passed around so the students could see what she was talking about.

Also this week, we created origami objects so we could hang them on a bamboo tree located within McNulty. I will insert a picture of the bamboo tree within next week's blogpost. The tree is meant to represent the amount of paper we waste in today's society and how we should start recycling more and really focus on reducing our paper usage.

Our co-founder, Olivia, being goofy and wearing the cow horns.

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