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What's Up?

Last week during class we had the opportunity to hear and share a quote or topic we read about in our book that struck us, from Chapters 1-6. This discussion allowed us to review the book, and see other people' perspectives on it. It was interesting to hear the different parts people found particularly compelling to them. I mentioned the chapter that talked about the Boonton Reservoir since it is near and dear to my heart.

Since the weather has been crazy, with freezing weather last week, tropics this weekend, and monsoon Monday who knows when we will be able to plant. This week we are instead focusing on our game plan for our final presentations. What we have come up with so far is an interactive graphic which displays all of the information we have learned about this semester. There is indeed quite a lot. This info graphic will be visually appealing and help the next group to take over our project an easy way to see what we have compiled so far.

Our project is different than other groups. True, we worked with the Pfeiffer Center and Threefold, it was more on a research basis. We did not go there to help them fix there dilapidated fences or planing boxes. We did not go to help clean their streams. Our project was focused on learning what we could about biodynamics, which included going to the expert who were using it and knew it best.

As a result, this will be one of the key points in our presentation. We need to figure out how best to show all of the amazing information we discovered about biodynamics.

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