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Book Response Chapter 4

Chapter 4 of Protecting Jersey’s Environment, called Radiation Protection was another very shocking and frustrating chapter. Overall I am sensing a trend of how I am going to feel about the information in this book. I was struck immediately on page 68 when the author was talking about the causes of the accident on Three Mile Island, I was shocked to see that life threating chemical were just laying around in a “poorly designed control room” (Belton). It is very frustrating to me that these harmful materials did not have more strictly enforced codes on how they should be handled. Then as I kept reading I was even more shocked to learn that no one else besides Tomas was really worried about the long term effects of the toxins being released. It made me feel a little better to learn that “plant construction in the United States virtually ended” and its great to see that some action was taken because as seen in previous chapters, usually nothing happened (Belton 70). However, my good mood about it did not last long stated in the next paragraph that if used correctly and effectively it is a “safe and efficient means for the United States to become energy independent” (Belton 70). How could we possibly use and promote something that is linked to so many harmful effects?

The chapter also points out that radiation poisoning can cause thyroid cancer and that there have been several thousands of deaths caused by cancer in people who were exposed. This fact makes me extremely frustrated because the radiation from nuclear power can cause cancer (we have research and evidence to back this up), yet we still use it. How could this be happening? People today don’t get their children vaccinated because of a false idea that they lead to autism how do we have cancer causing evidence and facts yet nothing is done, this is so backwards!

The frustration doesn’t end here. The chapter moved on to talk about the Radium girls. It was sad to learn about what happened to them, and how they all got horribly sick. Then came the frustration again, when I learned that the stories were covered up. The big question for me was how is this allowed? If there is an author in a published book that knows the truth, how have there not been real repercussions? (yes it was years ago but shouldn’t something be done anyway?) Why are we still letting this happen and how have we not fought more to get rid of the toxins that are causing us so much harm.

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