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Environmental Justice has been Served!

In Chapter 8 of "Protecting New Jersey's Environment" by Thomas Belton, the chapter starts off with discussing Camden, New Jersey. Camden, New Jersey is pretty well known for its high amounts of crimes, drugs, and gangs. What people don't necessarily know about Camden is that it used to be hustling and bustling industrial area. If you were to go to Camden now, which I wouldn't recommend, you would never know the history of the town. Camden is filled with Brownfields due to the hazardous waste let off from the industries.

Three out of four landfills are sited within a close proximity of minority areas. In 1991, this was called to attention and a summit was held in D.C. by the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit. This summit's purpose was to call attention to the environmental injustice that was happening. Why was it that most landfills were placed near communities where people of color lived? It is shockingly unfair. By 1994, Bill Clinton was making history by signing on an order to identify and address this feat. He wanted to make a change so that people in low-income areas or minority areas were not at risk.

People began to notice that health risks in these areas were intensifying. The risk of having cancer was increasing and it sent people into a panic. Poverty in Camden was four times as higher than the rest of the state. This began to shock people and get their attention. Not only did Camden suffer from a loss of industry and lots of pollution, but they also suffered from "regionalism". Camden went from neighborhoods to highways. Instantly, making the city less desirable, considering all of the other factors.

I really felt for the people of Camden with this chapter. Although, they might have gotten what they wanted despite the legal battles, the people still have gone through a lot. Personally, I found Camden's history very interesting since I have not known much about it besides it has a lot of crime. I think Camden has a lot of potential and it was once the "hub" for industry. It's really sad that now it's one of the most crime related places in the country. It is also sad that politicians won't listen to these poor people who just want to live a long life. Through Camden's story, we are able to learn lessons about standing up for not only the injustices we see, but as well as, the injustices that we possibly cannot see the direct affects of right away. For example, maybe we should be fighting for better environmental laws because we may not see the affects now, but generations after us will.

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