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Research Week 3: Planetary Influences

In my research, I really wanted to dive into some of the books that our professor had given us. One of the books, I particularly enjoyed was the 'Planetary Influences' book that you can see above. I chose some quotes from the book that I believe will help in our research journey.

Here are the quotes that stood out to me:

  • "The planetary system is not a more or less arbitrary accumulation of celestial bodies around the sun, but rather it functions as an organism in which a variety of interrelationships exist" (19).

  • "29.53 period from one new moon to the next (synodical revolution of the moon" (19).

  • "...turn to the final stages of plant development, look at the far planets" (44).

  • "Jupiter and Saturn have a link between their sidereal rhythm and their synodical rhythm (45).

The first quote is important because everything in the universe is interconnected and the planets do have a connection to how plants grow and it is important to recognize the influence each aspect of the world around us has on each other. The second quote is important because it is a fact that isn't well known. It takes 29 and a half days for the moon to make a full revolution. The third quote I found to be important because in the early stages of plant development we look at the planets closest to the sun, but as we near the end of the plant cycle, we begin to dive into the planets farthest away from the sun. These planets may not seem like they are of any importance at first, but they are of MAJOR importance. The fourth quote is that Jupiter and Saturn have a lot in common and this will be interesting to observe in nature.

Do the planets influence the weather? What do you think?

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