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World War Environment--Chapter 6

In Chapter 6 of "Protecting New Jersey's Environment" by Thomas Belton, the author discusses dioxin toxicity within the environment. Dioxin is a class of chemicals. The most toxic of them all is a chemical known as tetrachlorodibenzo. This particular toxin is known to be the most deathly and toxic chemical by all toxicologists. So why is dioxin in out environment. Dioxin is not part of industrial use, instead it is actually a byproduct of chemicals such as Agent Orange.

Traces of dioxin have actually been found in our water supply here in New Jersey. The Diamond Alkali Company had been disposing its waste and byproducts into the Passaic River. As investigations opened up on dioxin, researchers found that different species of fish and shellfish had traces of dioxin in their systems. The fish that had dioxin in them are native and migratory fish which are also edible.

Remediation took place to try and remove the toxins from our water supply. Also during this time, there were large movements to have "polluters pay" which were meant to hold polluters accountable for their actions. These movements though soon became very much so out of hand.

I truly am saddened by the fact that dioxin is in our water. It's such a shame that we dump byproducts and waste into the water that quenches our thirst and does so much for us. By dumping these pollutants, we also ruin our food supply. I wish that in the past and now, we would think about the world around us before acting. I do have a question about this week's chapter. My question is: Do you think that everyone knew how toxic this chemical was before they dumped into the rivers or did this come later when technology advanced?

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