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It's Radiating Chemicals! Amen!

In Chapter 4 of "Protecting New Jersey's Environment", the author discusses the damages that people have caused to the environment through the overuse and maniupulation of chemicals throughout time. Chemicals have been laying around and have been dumped into bodies of water and have caused water pollution. They have also caused air pollution. The use of chemicals within the today's society and the past have taken a toll on water quality, air quality, and has caused tons of pain and suffering within the world.

Thomas Belton talks about "radium girls" which painted their bodies and other parts in dangerous chemicals that would glow-in-the- dark. They swallowed the chemicals through their use. All of this use led to cancer of the throat, lung, mouth, and bones. Which is quiet the risk to take. Yet, despite all the harm that had been done. The government covered this up. What an outrage! "Worker deaths were attributed by medical professionals to other causes-even syphilis-in attempt smear the reputation of the women." Which is really mean and not fair to the women.

I learned that radiation is really bad for you and it's sad because radiation is all around us. We will probably all die from the use of radiation, dirty water, and horrible air quality. It's sad that I can't make myself pizza rolls while standing in front of a microwave (I know pizza rolls are a hostile environment). I think we should come up with alternative ways or non-damaging ways to do things that won't have me afraid to stand in front of a microwave or drink water or breathe.

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